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MOS 1235 5 Down 2 westlandjohn 19th June 2011, 12:15
» by westlandjohn
DT 26,582 4 dumbo 19th June 2011, 12:02
» by dumbo
Beelzebub 1113 5 allyw 19th June 2011, 11:28
» by allyw
ST4438 5 lee 19th June 2011, 11:06
» by pipesmoker
sevendays crossword 2 lorna 19th June 2011, 11:00
» by chald
st4438 5 david davison 19th June 2011, 10:58
» by john
sunday mirror 4 babs 19th June 2011, 10:49
» by babs
"times 2" 930 2 jodac 19th June 2011, 10:47
» by jodac
S.T. 4438 4 vincelegrau 19th June 2011, 10:41
» by vincelegrau
Times Cryptic 930 3 helenb 19th June 2011, 10:35
» by helenb
d record sat 18-6 help please 2 mattie 19th June 2011, 09:28
» by mattie
help requested 26 andy from the 'well 19th June 2011, 09:27
» by pipesmoker
DM Sat 18th 4 stuck 19th June 2011, 08:50
» by stuck
Jumbo cryptic 930 2 gaperon 19th June 2011, 08:09
» by gaperon
Times cryptic 930 3 pat 19th June 2011, 06:47
» by pat
cryptic ST741 6 carmel 19th June 2011, 05:36
» by trevor
a times cryptic 3 widger 19th June 2011, 04:05
» by widger
a frenchman might eat one of eat one of these 3 java b 19th June 2011, 03:23
» by java b
times2 jumbo 930 2 anna 19th June 2011, 01:42
» by anna
Need a hand with the Daily Record Mag Puzzle (18th June) 13 shell 19th June 2011, 01:10
» by def
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