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Sun Tel cryptic 22D 4 geoff marbella 19th June 2011, 16:05
» by chips
Times Cryptic 930 8 tornface 19th June 2011, 16:05
» by tornface
times 930 2 sue.wear 19th June 2011, 16:03
» by sue.wear
D.Record,Sat.£500 crossword 5 supergran 19th June 2011, 15:21
» by supergran
YOU MOS crossword no. 1235 2 brian h. 19th June 2011, 15:09
» by brian h.
times 2 jumbo 930 5 campo 19th June 2011, 15:07
» by paul
RTE Guide Crossword No 25 2 kieros 19th June 2011, 14:36
» by grace
st 4438 2 joe 90 19th June 2011, 14:33
» by joe 90
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 930 HELP 6 dofray 19th June 2011, 14:31
» by chald
Times 2 930 8 logan 19th June 2011, 14:20
» by anna
Times 2 Jumbo 930 3 anna 19th June 2011, 14:16
» by anna
Sunday post cryptic 4 tom 19th June 2011, 13:10
» by tom
everyman 3377 3 mary neve 19th June 2011, 13:01
» by mary neve
everyman3377 3 liz gavaghan 19th June 2011, 12:58
» by liz gavaghan
Belfast Telegraph 1 barney 19th June 2011, 12:55
» by chald
930 cryptic 3 francis 19th June 2011, 12:43
» by francis
everyman3377 2 liz gavaghan 19th June 2011, 12:43
» by liz gavaghan
Times Jumbo Cryptic 930 2 hamish 19th June 2011, 12:33
» by hamish
everyman 3377 2 mary neve 19th June 2011, 12:32
» by mary neve
DR£500 4 megamargare 19th June 2011, 12:17
» by chald
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