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Times Jumbo crossword 930 (times2 clues) 2 mike012321 18th June 2011, 15:22
» by mike012321
TIMES JUMBO CROSSWORD 930 3 puzzler 18th June 2011, 14:52
» by puzzler
D. Tel. £500 3 jimbo 18th June 2011, 14:52
» by jimbo
past and present newspapers, magazines, comics periodicals 10 angie 18th June 2011, 14:44
» by angie
Times 22ac 3 mrsm 18th June 2011, 14:40
» by anniet
Saturday Record 6 cathie 18th June 2011, 14:21
» by dina
Times2 quick jumbo 930 4 true babs 18th June 2011, 14:14
» by true babs
help on Shakespeare last clue!!!! 3 libbycat 18th June 2011, 13:48
» by christopher
Times Cryptic 930 3 dubcross 18th June 2011, 13:46
» by dubcross
help on Shakespeare last clue!!!! 3 libbycat 18th June 2011, 13:39
» by christopher
Guardian Cryptic 25,352:11a,2d 10 mjp 18th June 2011, 13:39
» by rob
Guardian Cryptic 4 rob 18th June 2011, 13:32
» by fred
£500 x word dr 2 beth 18th June 2011, 13:31
» by beth
THE THINGY.........???? 5 theambler 18th June 2011, 13:28
» by theambler
times2xword5493 3 alf 18th June 2011, 13:09
» by safesadie
Saturday Times Cryptic 24879 3 wendy 18th June 2011, 13:09
» by wendy
DT 26582 2 joe 90 18th June 2011, 13:05
» by joe 90
Torvic and John 0 joe 90 18th June 2011, 13:04
» by joe 90
DT 26582 5 joe 90 18th June 2011, 13:00
» by torvic
appeared to look at the sea briefly (6) 2 safesadie 18th June 2011, 12:44
» by safesadie
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