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The Week Clue of the Week 5 ken 21st June 2011, 14:48
» by ken
Spectator 2018 2 silly boy 21st June 2011, 14:39
» by silly boy
herald 1 sean 21st June 2011, 13:58
» by cana-da
Azed 2038 5 puzzler 21st June 2011, 13:29
» by puzzler
Another 2 I can't get DR Tuesday 4 clell 21st June 2011, 13:18
» by sallyw
DM Monday 21 jack 21st June 2011, 12:32
» by emf
sun herald 2 shoal 21st June 2011, 12:29
» by shoal
DM TUES 2 smb 21st June 2011, 12:08
» by smb
times cryptic 24881 6 sallyw 21st June 2011, 12:00
» by sallyw
Only 2 to get DR 21st 3 clell 21st June 2011, 11:21
» by sallyw
wee stinker 20th. june 28 maggie 21st June 2011, 10:57
» by andy
horses name 2 marge 21st June 2011, 10:37
» by marge
Cryptic 930- 2 more letters! 3 smiffy 21st June 2011, 10:17
» by david
Sat. Daily Record £500 3 andy 21st June 2011, 10:12
» by andy
Times 24880 3 mags 21st June 2011, 08:41
» by mags
Non cryptic crossword 2 bharath 21st June 2011, 05:01
» by bharath
Sat Times 24,879 3 les40 21st June 2011, 01:32
» by les40
Question Time.... 8 pastille 21st June 2011, 00:46
» by shamus
Sat Independent 7698 3 puzzler 21st June 2011, 00:42
» by wilma
DM Weds 18D 2 jcg 21st June 2011, 00:33
» by falter freely
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