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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Polymath 610 4 june 22nd June 2011, 13:19
» by tonyw
Daily Mirror, June 18 Quick Crossword 5,756 4 amberlight 22nd June 2011, 13:07
» by amberlight
times 24879 3 nytram 22nd June 2011, 12:05
» by sallyw
Last Two (Again!!) You X word.M.o.S. 4 dukey 22nd June 2011, 10:39
» by dukey
DM WED 2 smb 22nd June 2011, 10:30
» by smb
Stumped. 2 jinty 22nd June 2011, 10:14
» by jinty
DM WED 2 smb 22nd June 2011, 09:50
» by smb
ST4438 3 johng 22nd June 2011, 09:43
» by chrisg
at the airport 2 mary 22nd June 2011, 09:10
» by siamcat
DM Tuesday. 2 jack 22nd June 2011, 08:53
» by jack
Witness cryptic, help please 2 maryt 22nd June 2011, 08:51
» by maryt
Times 24879 3 pauliewaulie 22nd June 2011, 08:34
» by pauliewaulie
YP CRYPTIC 1 paul 22nd June 2011, 07:56
» by linton
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 7 jolan 22nd June 2011, 07:30
» by maryt
caledonia 2 abracadabra 22nd June 2011, 00:45
» by anna magnani
Undecided on this one, help would be appreciated 2 nina 22nd June 2011, 00:31
» by grip the raven
"U" 13 aiden 22nd June 2011, 00:04
» by grip the raven
tuesday daily record 3 sargoe 21st June 2011, 23:06
» by tonyw
the big one,dr xword 3 beth 21st June 2011, 22:45
» by beth
Jumbo 930 Times 2 5 dmw 21st June 2011, 22:32
» by mollie
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