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Cryptic clue 4 mia 26th August 2011, 20:05
» by pastille
CLUELESS 22 105 peterm 26th August 2011, 19:21
» by pastille
Times cryptic 24938 1 gaperon 26th August 2011, 18:26
» by lish
i cryptic 169 4 bellandme 26th August 2011, 17:25
» by suki
DM 1a 3 dudley 26th August 2011, 16:20
» by dudley
puddings, sweets & desserts 2 charliebee 26th August 2011, 15:52
» by siamcat
DM Fri 26 2 max 26th August 2011, 15:15
» by max
D Mail Fri 26ac 3 robin 26th August 2011, 14:48
» by robin
Dalesman puzzler 7 down 1 seasider 26th August 2011, 14:41
» by helenb
THE AMBLER 5 bernie 26th August 2011, 14:14
» by theambler
DM friday 4 emf 26th August 2011, 14:02
» by emf
DM fri 3 monkey 26th August 2011, 13:43
» by monkey
times crypic 24938 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 26th August 2011, 13:39
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
places around the british isles 9 susie 26th August 2011, 13:15
» by susie
times #5353 1 srish 26th August 2011, 12:09
» by bellandme
Cluedup Puzzles Daily Telegraph 6 fallingstarr 26th August 2011, 09:55
» by cwayconslt
times 24938 0 gaperon 26th August 2011, 09:27
» by gaperon
Times 24937 2 hattie 26th August 2011, 09:26
» by hattie
EV 981 20 tommyt 26th August 2011, 08:51
» by midazolam
Times Jumbo Cryptic 939 3 les40 26th August 2011, 00:07
» by mamya
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