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All answers are either food or drink - from where 52 skitts 25th August 2011, 19:52
» by puzzled
Film 1 epsh42 25th August 2011, 18:28
» by barrycat
T V or Radio programmes 17 quizmad 25th August 2011, 17:54
» by pastille
tls 891 15 across 5 rony 25th August 2011, 17:42
» by ixion
Clothing 4 julianne 25th August 2011, 16:42
» by keenquizzer
I dont understand !!! 3 polly dee 25th August 2011, 16:40
» by polly dee
Greedy-kite/Spectator 4 chips 25th August 2011, 16:16
» by chips
Spectator 2028 12 chips 25th August 2011, 15:01
» by greedy kite
FT 13,778 1 dollyhaze 25th August 2011, 13:50
» by suki
Help! Latin?? 2 jessiet 25th August 2011, 12:51
» by bullfrog
Slow start 4 jessiet 25th August 2011, 11:37
» by aljanon
Place names 11 julianne 25th August 2011, 09:02
» by julianne
Daily Mail 'Worlds smallest, hardest crossword' 6 richard 25th August 2011, 07:19
» by richard
Times 24936 1 howsshecutting 25th August 2011, 00:34
» by howsshecutting
YEP - Last 1 2 kellimod 24th August 2011, 22:34
» by kellimod
YEP - Easy 2 kellimod 24th August 2011, 22:00
» by kellimod
flowers 5 quizmad 24th August 2011, 21:21
» by terry as was
times crypic 24933 3 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 24th August 2011, 20:12
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times cryptic 939 3 exams 24th August 2011, 20:10
» by exams
Pastille 1 helenb 24th August 2011, 19:55
» by pastille
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