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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Inquisitor 1718 29 bobbycollins 1st October 2021, 09:48
» by jack aubrey
PEER REVIEW 507 68 jono 30th September 2021, 23:33
» by dorrien
Clueless 546 50 jono 30th September 2021, 23:29
» by dorrien
Everyman 3,909 63 alzy 30th September 2021, 23:14
» by will37
LISTENER 4675 - ANSWERS (only if requested individually) 149 malone 30th September 2021, 22:35
» by rusty
Weekend Peer Review 99 53 jono 30th September 2021, 22:12
» by chrise
LISTENER 4677, ANSWERS* ONLY 311 malone 30th September 2021, 09:35
» by jono
Times Cryptic 28094 5 paulhabershon 30th September 2021, 09:29
» by rossim
Times Cryptic 28092 8 kenhiggs 29th September 2021, 10:09
» by thepost
Everyman 3911 50 mystogre 28th September 2021, 14:20
» by warden
Guardian Prize 28,560 76 brendan 28th September 2021, 07:49
» by dayzymay
LISTENER 4678, Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 18 malone 27th September 2021, 19:24
» by jack aubrey
WHY NAME THE CROSSWORD IN THE HEADING. 9 norah (admin) 26th September 2021, 22:09
» by loge
ST 4974 5 grimalkin 26th September 2021, 14:02
» by malone
Private Crossword 8 nimus 25th September 2021, 10:06
» by norah (admin)
LISTENER 4677, Hints and Discussion - NO ANSWERS 19 malone 25th September 2021, 00:00
» by mooncow
Harpers 2021-10 11 syzygy 24th September 2021, 12:29
» by ginge
RT 38 12 magworth 24th September 2021, 11:55
» by chrise
Spectator 2524 18 xwordfan 24th September 2021, 09:39
» by malone
CLUELESS 545 39 paul 23rd September 2021, 17:33
» by mathprofrockstar
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