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Inquisitor 1712 21 jogamel 17th August 2021, 10:07
» by lumen
LISTENER 4672 - Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 40 malone 17th August 2021, 08:00
» by ortolan
Spectator 2518 8 unclued 17th August 2021, 00:45
» by fred108
Battles 4 quizmad 16th August 2021, 16:20
» by quizmad
Weekend Peer Review 93 61 jono 16th August 2021, 15:12
» by chrise
Various animals 3 snowball 16th August 2021, 14:11
» by snowball
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1512 18 gooner 16th August 2021, 10:57
» by kenhiggs
Everyman 3,905 56 brendan 16th August 2021, 10:51
» by barryc
Guardian 28524 2 apuzzle 15th August 2021, 21:46
» by apuzzle
Sunday Express Skeleton 2 myla 15th August 2021, 17:38
» by myla
Phoenix Magazine - August 13th 1 kay633 15th August 2021, 15:28
» by malone
Times 28,056 5 rogerjw 15th August 2021, 13:58
» by norah (admin)
Guardian Prize 28,524 53 geeker 15th August 2021, 07:28
» by luko
Linkword 3 rays 14th August 2021, 19:25
» by rays
Daily Mail - 9 August 2 lizzie55 14th August 2021, 19:14
» by lizzie55
YP1850 5 yorkie 14th August 2021, 15:13
» by yorkie
Times 20,360 2 cybersteamie 14th August 2021, 14:10
» by cybersteamie
Spectator 2519 22 solidair123 14th August 2021, 10:49
» by lecrack
RTE Guide 33 1 laurel 12th August 2021, 19:31
» by rossim
Crossword Book 3 kitkat 12th August 2021, 13:55
» by kitkat
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