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From a Book 3 kitkat 27th October 2021, 09:14
» by brendan
Quiz 28 - UK & RoI Islands 1 itsme 26th October 2021, 22:17
» by itsme
I Cryptic - 26 October 2 splosh 26th October 2021, 19:54
» by splosh
ST 4978 10 grimalkin 25th October 2021, 22:32
» by mattrom
Weekend Peer Review 103 76 tyke51 25th October 2021, 14:43
» by jono
Inquisitor 1722 23 aslac 25th October 2021, 12:51
» by nelson
AZED 2576 5 cockie 25th October 2021, 10:53
» by loge
Times 28,116 18 gooner 24th October 2021, 14:20
» by chrise
Guardian Prize 28,584 38 brendan 23rd October 2021, 21:27
» by paulnz
Express Alphapuzzle 2 landy 23rd October 2021, 19:07
» by landy
PEER REVIEW 511 76 patrick27 23rd October 2021, 12:30
» by fieryjack
Inquisitor 1721 86 granama1 22nd October 2021, 05:04
» by brendan
Daily Mail Cryptic - 20 October 3 lizzie55 21st October 2021, 21:52
» by malone
CLUELESS 549 49 fieryjack 21st October 2021, 20:19
» by fieryjack
Harpers 2021-11 5 syzygy 21st October 2021, 09:06
» by kt17
SAGA Cryptic 3 ian 20th October 2021, 23:13
» by ian
EV 1509 21 aspria 20th October 2021, 19:50
» by cloverjo
Need the Word Play 2 sarumite 20th October 2021, 12:30
» by sarumite
Link Words into a Chain 2 epsh42 19th October 2021, 16:24
» by mamya
Times 28,110 14 gooner 19th October 2021, 09:26
» by strangelybrown
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