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Mephisto 3186 5 bobbycollins 23rd September 2021, 14:31
» by malone
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 545, Peer Review 506, Weekend Peer Review 98 1 mattrom 23rd September 2021, 13:44
» by paul
EV 1505 18 alwayspuzzled 23rd September 2021, 11:17
» by gabrielc
Guardian v Times - Who played it better? 25 mathprofrockstar 23rd September 2021, 04:27
» by mathprofrockstar
Daily Record Tuesday 2 jinty 22nd September 2021, 13:54
» by kt17
Azed 2571 Parsing (contains answer) 4 mattrom 21st September 2021, 23:18
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 545, Peer Review 506, Weekend Peer Review 98 0 mattrom 21st September 2021, 23:05
» by mattrom
Inquisitor 1717 15 lumen 21st September 2021, 22:07
» by nelson
Guardian Prize 28,554 115 geeker 21st September 2021, 18:26
» by dayzymay
i cryptic 3312 3 eraserman 21st September 2021, 09:10
» by eraserman
Sunday Times Cryptic 4973 9 bobbycollins 21st September 2021, 03:04
» by paul
Weekend Peer Review 98 58 mattrom 20th September 2021, 18:18
» by fieryjack
Everyman 3910 43 chrisxxxx 20th September 2021, 14:34
» by julesvern
Spectator 2524 2 leon 20th September 2021, 14:26
» by leon
Times 28,086 17 gooner 20th September 2021, 13:26
» by strangelybrown
LISTENER 4676, ANSWERS* ONLY 45 malone 19th September 2021, 20:42
» by brendan
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1518 11 grahamr 19th September 2021, 20:24
» by chrise
Skeleton in the Express 3 birthday girl 19th September 2021, 18:43
» by tyke51
Eye 711 3 gamaran 19th September 2021, 18:39
» by brendan
Places around Burton on Trent 3 dianthus 19th September 2021, 11:53
» by norah (admin)
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