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Times 28,110 14 gooner 19th October 2021, 09:26
» by strangelybrown
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 548, Peer Review 510, Weekend Peer Review 102 0 mattrom 18th October 2021, 22:34
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 548, Peer Review 510, Weekend Peer Review 102 0 mattrom 18th October 2021, 22:32
» by mattrom
Daily Mail Cryptic - 15 October 3 lizzie55 18th October 2021, 20:26
» by lizzie55
LISTENER 4681, ANSWERS* ONLY 81 malone 18th October 2021, 19:41
» by smellyharry
Abestos Action Tayside Quiz 4 snowball 18th October 2021, 13:52
» by snowball
Soroptimist Quiz 0 quizmad 18th October 2021, 13:30
» by quizmad
Weekend Peer Review 102 56 mattrom 18th October 2021, 12:36
» by fieryjack
Star Alpha 2 catwoman48 18th October 2021, 12:11
» by catwoman48
Everyman 3,914 60 alzy 17th October 2021, 20:51
» by petercarlington
LISTENER 4681, Hints and Discussion, NO ANSWERS 27 malone 17th October 2021, 18:51
» by ixion
Private Eye 713 2 hmzy 17th October 2021, 18:22
» by hmzy
Guardian Prize 28,578 76 brendan 17th October 2021, 18:10
» by philo
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1522 10 gooner 17th October 2021, 15:08
» by strangelybrown
Everyman 3912 32 biggus56 17th October 2021, 08:33
» by nickos20
LISTENER 4680, ANSWERS* ONLY 122 malone 16th October 2021, 19:45
» by ortolan
Weekend Scotsman 3 tomshieboy 16th October 2021, 12:45
» by quisling
I cryptic 3336 4 thomas 16th October 2021, 12:43
» by norah (admin)
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1521 8 gooner 16th October 2021, 10:35
» by malone
Peer Review 510 47 jono 16th October 2021, 10:31
» by patrick27
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