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Everyman 3,908 75 brendan 7th September 2021, 16:16
» by lexo
Inquisitor 1715 18 pentlandsound 7th September 2021, 09:25
» by bubber
YP 1853 2 cesdlv 7th September 2021, 08:43
» by cesdlv
Weekend Peer Review 96 67 mattrom 6th September 2021, 11:00
» by paul
ST 4971 2 magic mikey 6th September 2021, 09:32
» by magic mikey
Spectator 2521 2 gerba 5th September 2021, 18:03
» by egill
LISTENER THREADS – PLEASE READ 3 norah (admin) 5th September 2021, 11:02
» by norah (admin)
Saturday Times 28,074 15 bassett 4th September 2021, 20:44
» by derekack
Daily Mail - Thursday and Friday 4 loubyloo10 4th September 2021, 18:14
» by norah (admin)
Genius 218 43 prospero 4th September 2021, 16:22
» by kiwisolver
LISTENER 4574, ANSWERS ONLY 142 malone 4th September 2021, 14:32
» by hotelwhiskey7
Guardian Prize 28,536 220 brendan 4th September 2021, 14:16
» by lunaticfridge
TLS 1391 2 xwordfan 4th September 2021, 12:40
» by xwordfan
PEER REVIEW 505 57 paul 4th September 2021, 09:51
» by fieryjack
Type of Dog 7 brylcream 3rd September 2021, 13:47
» by brylcream
EV 1502 16 aspria 2nd September 2021, 23:51
» by fred108
Quiz title is COLOURFUL! 1 dianthus 2nd September 2021, 15:19
» by alwayspuzzled
General Knowledge & Battles Quizzes - Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance 12 sunnyside 2nd September 2021, 10:57
» by norah (admin)
Times Monthly Club Special 20252 2 kenhiggs 2nd September 2021, 10:43
» by kenhiggs
CLUELESS 542 57 mattrom 2nd September 2021, 10:42
» by fieryjack
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