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Topic Replies Started by Last post
CLUELESS 539 38 mattrom 12th August 2021, 10:22
» by fieryjack
EV 1499 5 joycie 12th August 2021, 06:49
» by norah (admin)
LISTENER 4671, ANSWERS ONLY 47 malone 12th August 2021, 05:19
» by buzzb
Eye Crossword 708 27 hastings69 11th August 2021, 14:59
» by chrise
IQ 1711 30 brendan 10th August 2021, 20:49
» by malone
Viz 308 (usual PG) 13 loubyloo10 10th August 2021, 16:27
» by robthebuck
Mephisto 3180 15 phantom 10th August 2021, 15:52
» by will37
EV 1499 22 kirky 10th August 2021, 06:55
» by alwayspuzzled
Guardian Prize 28,518 92 brendan 9th August 2021, 23:57
» by mathprofrockstar
Times Cryptic 28,051 5 will37 9th August 2021, 23:40
» by mathprofrockstar
Everyman 3,904 40 brendan 9th August 2021, 17:56
» by lexo
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1511 4 gooner 9th August 2021, 10:38
» by malone
Weekend Peer Review 92 50 anthonystmichel 9th August 2021, 01:25
» by paul
LISTENER 4671, Hints and Discussions - NO ANSWERS. 49 malone 8th August 2021, 20:13
» by malone
Which Cryptic - August 2 sparrow123 8th August 2021, 17:36
» by sparrow123
Sunday Express Skeleton 6 myla 8th August 2021, 16:45
» by myla
RT 32 7 chopper erk 8th August 2021, 13:36
» by chopper erk
Things found in a Supermarket 5 quizmad 8th August 2021, 11:38
» by quizmad
PEER REVIEW 500 48 tyke51 7th August 2021, 19:57
» by tyke51
YP1849 3 yorkie 7th August 2021, 16:56
» by yorkie
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