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Topic Replies Started by Last post
EV 1506 33 brendan 10th October 2021, 19:08
» by grunger
IQ 1720 6 nelson 10th October 2021, 16:33
» by quisling
Times 28,104 11 rogerjw 10th October 2021, 12:58
» by malone
Sunday Star Alpha 2 catwoman48 10th October 2021, 11:56
» by mattrom
Times Cryptic PREVIOUS PUZZLES 642 whetstone 10th October 2021, 10:07
» by norah (admin)
YP 1858 3 cesdlv 10th October 2021, 09:29
» by brendan
Spectator 2526 15 helveticus 9th October 2021, 21:37
» by malone
Alphapuzzle - Saturday 2 manudave 9th October 2021, 17:14
» by manudave
PEER REVIEW 509 60 mattrom 9th October 2021, 13:15
» by rossim
@ THREADS 1 norah (admin) 9th October 2021, 11:18
» by jigjag
Daily Mail Cryptic - 7 October 3 lizzie55 9th October 2021, 10:11
» by lizzie55
Daily Mail - 20 September 9 lizzie55 9th October 2021, 09:28
» by lizzie55
LISTENER 4679, ANSWERS* ONLY 32 malone 8th October 2021, 15:37
» by jif73
LISTENER 4674, Hints and Discussion. NO ANSWERS. 63 malone 8th October 2021, 15:22
» by smellyharry
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 1520 18 gooner 7th October 2021, 22:11
» by strangelybrown
Spectator 2525 42 bunty 7th October 2021, 20:46
» by pragnard
EYE 712 17 big al 7th October 2021, 18:09
» by malone
IQ 1719 40 nelson 7th October 2021, 09:09
» by jack aubrey
CLUELESS 547 58 mattrom 7th October 2021, 05:51
» by mathprofrockstar
EV 1507 44 macavity 6th October 2021, 23:51
» by grayfriar
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