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Sunday Times 4988 3 ccr 2nd January 2022, 15:35
» by ccr
LISTENER 4691- HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES ON THEME 147 malone 1st January 2022, 22:27
» by quixote
Times 28,176 2 rogerjw 1st January 2022, 21:09
» by candledave
RTE Guide 1 0 laurel 1st January 2022, 19:33
» by laurel
SAGA JANUARY 12 trelos1 1st January 2022, 17:52
» by trelos1
Cam 94 2 jack aubrey 1st January 2022, 12:39
» by jack aubrey
Express Alpha Puzzle 2 landy 1st January 2022, 09:38
» by landy
PEER REVIEW 521 51 spike2 31st December 2021, 23:56
» by dorrien
Clueless 559 53 jono 31st December 2021, 17:28
» by penda
Cryptic Countries Crossword 7 mackleworth 31st December 2021, 15:11
» by mackleworth
New Scientist Cryptic 6 franklin 31st December 2021, 07:09
» by jono
Irish Times Chequered Flag 11 diana1950 30th December 2021, 19:14
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1533 8 penda 30th December 2021, 18:17
» by malone
Sports, Games & Pastimes Quiz 3 claire108 30th December 2021, 15:34
» by camerondarcy
Festive Dingbats 3 quizmad 30th December 2021, 09:45
» by quizmad
Irish Times Crosaire 1 rossword 30th December 2021, 09:29
» by rossim
Coastal Towns of Great Britain Quiz 8 robwyatt 29th December 2021, 19:48
» by tyke51
Peterborough Lions - It's About Time Quiz 2 tex123 29th December 2021, 11:21
» by tex123
EV 1519 13 cockie 29th December 2021, 08:14
» by alwayspuzzled
Harpers 2022-01 11 syzygy 28th December 2021, 20:41
» by rosalind
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