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Local Quiz - Ditloids 20 wolfen 12th January 2022, 18:57
» by wolfen
Blue Coat Christmas Quiz 15 rigby 12th January 2022, 17:53
» by rigby
Genius 223 33 vandergraaf 12th January 2022, 15:53
» by aslac
EV 1521 16 cloverjo 11th January 2022, 17:23
» by alwayspuzzled
LISTENER 4693 HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES ON THE THEME 105 norah (admin) 11th January 2022, 16:18
» by kitsune
Times Jumbo 1536 13 themadwomanintheattic 11th January 2022, 11:02
» by kenhiggs
RTE Guide 4 2 laurel 10th January 2022, 19:49
» by laurel
Vanishing Post 12 penda 10th January 2022, 17:24
» by norah (admin)
Goodworth Clatford Church Quiz 77 cryptic76 10th January 2022, 16:16
» by quiznovice
Skeleton Express 9 april 10th January 2022, 15:56
» by patrich
Linkword 2 rays 10th January 2022, 15:55
» by rays
ST 4989 7 duffer 10th January 2022, 15:26
» by patrich
Eye 719 19 hastings69 10th January 2022, 14:07
» by jazzgirl
Remus Cryptic Quiz 13 quizzer49 10th January 2022, 14:05
» by jazzgirl
Rotary Quiz - Famous People 5 tex123 10th January 2022, 13:40
» by tex123
Minerals, Stones etc 1 quizmad 10th January 2022, 11:12
» by norah (admin)
Guardian Prize 28,649 50 geeker 10th January 2022, 08:39
» by brendan
Everyman 3926 31 chrisxxxx 9th January 2022, 21:23
» by rocky7
Times 28,182 10 puzzledbob 9th January 2022, 16:23
» by offenstumped
New Statesman Christmas 8 unclued 9th January 2022, 16:08
» by unclued
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