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Wall Street Journal 20220115 4 syzygy 18th January 2022, 15:18
» by kt17
Harpers 2022-02 4 syzygy 18th January 2022, 15:17
» by kt17
IQ 1734 31 luftmensch 18th January 2022, 15:09
» by lumen
Mirror Cryptic 5 mickythemole 18th January 2022, 12:38
» by jazzgirl
Everyman 3,927 83 brendan 18th January 2022, 08:37
» by jmdc
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 115 61 paul 17th January 2022, 20:33
» by fieryjack
RTE Guide 4 1 laurel 17th January 2022, 19:55
» by malone
ST 4990 7 duffer 17th January 2022, 17:03
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1537 2 rocketman 17th January 2022, 13:32
» by rocketman
FT 16,994 2 loubyloo10 17th January 2022, 09:00
» by stevie gee
TIMES 28,188 7 rogerjw 16th January 2022, 22:05
» by malone
Obi by Wan 17 micky47 16th January 2022, 11:35
» by jazzgirl
Spectator 2538 (although it says 2535) 15 kt17 15th January 2022, 18:03
» by gerba
Spectator 2537 11 kenhiggs 15th January 2022, 15:38
» by fred108
Dalesman - January 6 kittycath 14th January 2022, 22:55
» by kittycath
IQ 1733 29 nelson 14th January 2022, 19:40
» by andyp
Private Eye 719 2 alvin 13th January 2022, 19:12
» by alvin
Penda’s Mid Week Puzzle - For Relaxation Only 24 penda 13th January 2022, 17:51
» by jono
Times Monthly Club Special 20,256 6 bobbycollins 13th January 2022, 15:34
» by bobbycollins
CLUELESS 561 74 mattrom 13th January 2022, 11:51
» by peterm
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