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PLEASE READ - POSTING GUIDELINES - Update 23 January 2022 18 norah (admin) 28th January 2022, 06:40
» by norah (admin)
Blue Coat School Quiz 2 simbo06 27th January 2022, 22:31
» by simbo06
Inquisitor 1726 55 malone 27th January 2022, 22:13
» by lumen
Times 28,198 1 rogerjw 27th January 2022, 16:42
» by malone
Romanian Aid Quiz 2 snowball 27th January 2022, 15:09
» by snowball
LISTENER 4695 - HINTS plus GENTLE HINTS ON THE THEME 72 malone 27th January 2022, 12:12
» by andyp
Express Alphapuzzle 3 landy 27th January 2022, 11:34
» by brendan
Times 28,196 2 paulhabershon 27th January 2022, 08:53
» by ginge
IQ 1735 27 luftmensch 26th January 2022, 23:32
» by smellyharry
CLUELESS 563 52 fieryjack 26th January 2022, 23:26
» by ginge
Odd One Out 3 stangman71 26th January 2022, 07:31
» by stangman71
Times Cryptic - 22 January 10 missrossers 25th January 2022, 19:55
» by malone
Everyman 3,928 37 brendan 25th January 2022, 01:08
» by geeker
Guardian Prize 28,661 89 brendan 24th January 2022, 15:29
» by jono
Times Jumbo 4987 32 strangelybrown 24th January 2022, 15:03
» by crowdedmorning
Group Therapy - Pop Groups 21 itsme 24th January 2022, 14:23
» by itsme
Times Cryptic 28,194 9 puzzledbob 24th January 2022, 13:16
» by strangelybrown
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1538 22 grahamr 24th January 2022, 10:42
» by malone
LISTENER 4694- HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES ONLY ON THE THEME 139 malone 24th January 2022, 05:59
» by buzzb
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 116 80 patrich 24th January 2022, 05:54
» by culmer
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