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TV Presenter 2 epsh42 25th December 2021, 13:39
» by epsh42
Guardian Prize 28,632 95 brendan 25th December 2021, 13:16
» by rocketman
RT 2021 Christmas 3 chopper erk 25th December 2021, 12:13
» by malone
PEER REVIEW 520 52 buddy 25th December 2021, 06:51
» by jono
HAPPY CHRISTMAS 14 norah (admin) 24th December 2021, 20:01
» by mattrom
Scotsman 7 tomshieboy 24th December 2021, 18:10
» by tomshieboy
i 3395 5 david w 24th December 2021, 13:47
» by david w
IQ 1730 41 nelson 23rd December 2021, 13:52
» by tonynannini
CLUELESS 558 53 paul 23rd December 2021, 12:05
» by fieryjack
Daily Record - Tuesday 2 jinty 23rd December 2021, 10:36
» by jinty
Types of Bags Quiz 7 quizmad 23rd December 2021, 08:51
» by quizmad
New Scientist Cryptic 72 10 timdownieuk 23rd December 2021, 00:28
» by mattrom
Times Jumbo 1531 13 strangelybrown 22nd December 2021, 19:29
» by malone
i Cryptic 3366 3 hugew 22nd December 2021, 10:41
» by hugew
EV 1518 17 xwordfan 22nd December 2021, 06:28
» by alwayspuzzled
Uttoxeter Rotary Club Quiz 1 itsme 21st December 2021, 10:51
» by itsme
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 111 68 spike2 21st December 2021, 00:31
» by fieryjack
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 557, Peer Review 519, Weekend Peer Review 111 0 mattrom 20th December 2021, 22:05
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 557, Peer Review 519, Weekend Peer Review 111 0 mattrom 20th December 2021, 22:01
» by mattrom
Hitchin Rotary Club Quiz 3 itsme 20th December 2021, 17:00
» by itsme
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