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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Everyman 3,923 34 geeker 20th December 2021, 13:15
» by jazzgirl
Private Eye 717 5 alvin 19th December 2021, 19:58
» by alvin
FT16972 2 laurel 19th December 2021, 19:35
» by mattrom
Sunday Times 4986 4 kenhiggs 19th December 2021, 17:30
» by kenhiggs
CLUELESS 557 61 buddy 19th December 2021, 10:08
» by fiona3300
PEER REVIEW 519 88 patrich 18th December 2021, 18:32
» by mathprofrockstar
Metro -16 December 5 petekay20 18th December 2021, 18:28
» by petekay20
LISTENER – ANOTHER NEW APPROACH 23 norah (admin) 18th December 2021, 14:48
» by drxx
FT 16972 2 loubyloo10 18th December 2021, 12:34
» by xwordfan
Wee Stinker 2 mildred 18th December 2021, 11:17
» by mildred
Guardian Prize 28,626 73 geeker 17th December 2021, 10:01
» by jono
Private Eye 717 20 telboy1999 16th December 2021, 12:11
» by malone
LISTENER 4688, ANSWERS ONLY 130 malone 16th December 2021, 10:49
» by quixote
LISTENER 4689, GENTLE HINTS 152 malone 15th December 2021, 19:30
» by quixote
RTE Guide Xmas Crossword 5 laurel 14th December 2021, 21:33
» by brendan
Cryptic UK Tour 3 itsme 14th December 2021, 19:40
» by tyke51
Metro - 14th December 2 petekay20 14th December 2021, 19:17
» by petekay20
Times Jumbo 1530 13 strangelybrown 14th December 2021, 18:48
» by emdee
EV 1517 24 bunty 14th December 2021, 18:10
» by alwayspuzzled
TIMES 28,116 1 rogerjw 14th December 2021, 17:09
» by chrise
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