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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Guardian Easy 5 hugew 28th December 2021, 15:40
» by jazzgirl
Daily Record Quick Start - 28 December 2 agatha 28th December 2021, 14:51
» by agatha
RTE GUIDE 11 tonta 28th December 2021, 13:39
» by jazzgirl
Christmas Spectator 23 xwordfan 28th December 2021, 09:41
» by malone
Odd One Out 2 stangman71 28th December 2021, 07:54
» by stangman71
Times Cryptic Book 22-13 4 lavini 27th December 2021, 21:13
» by lavini
Irish Times Jumbo 2021 1 laurel 27th December 2021, 19:06
» by malone
LISTENER 4690 94 norah (admin) 27th December 2021, 19:00
» by loge
New Year Radio Times 6 johnt 27th December 2021, 18:16
» by norah (admin)
Christmas Clue Exchange Game 86 norah (admin) 27th December 2021, 16:50
» by jono
Weekend Peer Review 112 64 mattrom 27th December 2021, 16:05
» by geeker
Everyman 3,924 27 jono 26th December 2021, 22:03
» by geeker
The Five Senses Quiz 6 quizmad 26th December 2021, 20:06
» by granama1
Express Skeleton 8 april 26th December 2021, 18:21
» by norah (admin)
Times Cryptic Jumbo1532 3 tim1471 26th December 2021, 16:16
» by tim1471
Inquisitor 1731 18 dfg2 26th December 2021, 14:23
» by cockie
Sunday Express Skeleton 6 hereward 26th December 2021, 12:21
» by tyke51
Times Jumbo 4 tornface 26th December 2021, 10:12
» by jono
Private Eye 718 24 cockie 26th December 2021, 07:52
» by morgana
Comedian 2 epsh42 25th December 2021, 15:47
» by epsh42
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