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speccie 2235 2 johnfa 10th November 2017, 14:07
» by johnfa
Alphapuzzle.friday 2 manudave 10th November 2017, 13:27
» by manudave
weapons or things associated with them 1 quizmad 10th November 2017, 13:14
» by jazzgirl
rte 46 4 eibhlin 10th November 2017, 10:45
» by eibhlin
i Cryptic 2109 7 diablos 10th November 2017, 10:40
» by diablos
HERALD CLOOTIE 12 stevie gee 10th November 2017, 06:51
» by stevie gee
The Times 26,868 3 gharbij ihn 10th November 2017, 01:13
» by brendan
Metro Crossword 5 retrocop 9th November 2017, 18:10
» by retrocop
Alpha puzzle 4 yidreg77 9th November 2017, 14:15
» by yidreg77
i Crossword 2108 6 diablos 9th November 2017, 11:34
» by diablos
CHILDREN IN THE PLAYGROUND 0 norah (admin) 9th November 2017, 09:19
» by norah (admin)
Guardian cryptic 27346 9 martyn 9th November 2017, 08:07
» by jazzgirl
Struggling with a floral quiz 2 del 9th November 2017, 07:02
» by del
CLUELESS 344 47 skyewalker 9th November 2017, 00:00
» by paul
NZ Herald 7 Nov 2017. 9 accross. How NOW? 3 max15 8th November 2017, 23:17
» by brendan
Times Jumbo 1292 cyyptic 4 bigdave1954 8th November 2017, 20:25
» by peterm
Radio Times No. 44 5d 10 mop 8th November 2017, 19:26
» by mop
Times Crossword book 19,puzzle 71 2 thorpey 8th November 2017, 19:10
» by thorpey
Times jumbo cryptic 1292 3 jonnyboy 8th November 2017, 18:41
» by rusty
Alpha puzzle 3 yidreg77 8th November 2017, 18:12
» by rusty
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