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The Week 1080 3 tinkertony 6th November 2017, 14:11
» by achemi
Times 26874 3 rozbogs 6th November 2017, 13:46
» by rozbogs
Sunday Crossword 9 sharper 6th November 2017, 12:02
» by sharper
i Cryptic 2105 10 diablos 6th November 2017, 12:01
» by elle
todays guardian prize 27346 69 cryptastic 5th November 2017, 22:24
» by rossim
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 7 ollyblue 5th November 2017, 20:21
» by malone
SP 2 cantdo 5th November 2017, 19:43
» by cantdo
Wall Street Journal 20171104 5 syzygy 5th November 2017, 19:22
» by syzygy
Everyman 3708 4 berylium 5th November 2017, 19:15
» by jazzgirl
times 26874 5 dn 2 cryptastic 5th November 2017, 19:02
» by cryptastic
ST 4771 2 ravinelli 5th November 2017, 18:18
» by ravinelli
last clue 26 across 1 ravinelli 5th November 2017, 18:16
» by jazzgirl
Everyman 3708 25 peadar 5th November 2017, 17:49
» by mamya
Times jumbo 1292 3 delphinium 5th November 2017, 17:46
» by delphinium
Local cryptic 5 colinj 5th November 2017, 16:46
» by colinj
Mephisto 2984 2 pollyflinders 5th November 2017, 14:56
» by pollyflinders
ST 4771 14 grimalkin 5th November 2017, 14:08
» by pollyanna
Inquisitor 1515 7 mjk 5th November 2017, 12:50
» by mjk
5 down 2 fizz 5th November 2017, 12:46
» by bunty
Everyman 1 thomas 5th November 2017, 11:22
» by malone
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