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Everyman 1 thomas 5th November 2017, 11:22
» by malone
Times jumbo 1292 1 harry 5th November 2017, 09:56
» by ab
Jumbo crossword 1292 4 hattie 5th November 2017, 09:37
» by hattie
Cryptic Crossword 2 bob7591 5th November 2017, 08:29
» by bob7591
DA is always a problem 6 jamek 5th November 2017, 07:51
» by jamek
PEER REVIEW 306 74 bigbadmarty2 5th November 2017, 07:11
» by skyewalker
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1292 3 brendan 5th November 2017, 04:12
» by brendan
Times 26874 3 brendan 4th November 2017, 20:49
» by brendan
EV 1302 53 cockie 4th November 2017, 20:02
» by alwayspuzzled
PRIV EYE-611 13 hallgreening 4th November 2017, 19:09
» by eidolon
Alpha puzzle 2 yidreg77 4th November 2017, 18:22
» by yidreg77
YP1653 9 yorkie 4th November 2017, 18:01
» by yorkie
IQ 1515 13 sunray 4th November 2017, 15:53
» by malone
i Cryptic 2104 16 diablos 4th November 2017, 14:35
» by mikey
SAGA OVEMER 4 trelos1 4th November 2017, 14:30
» by trelos1
Metro Cryptic Oct 27 3 trickyvic 4th November 2017, 14:14
» by trickyvic
IQ 1514 38 sunray 4th November 2017, 02:03
» by laertes
Azed 2368 30 kirky 3rd November 2017, 19:20
» by spoffy
anagrams of wild flowers 10 quizmad 3rd November 2017, 19:02
» by quizmad
ST4770 final call 3 63acornwall 3rd November 2017, 17:22
» by 63acornwall
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