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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times cryptic 1293 4 torquinian 12th November 2017, 16:43
» by torquinian
Mephisto 2985 4 pollyflinders 12th November 2017, 16:28
» by pollyflinders
Times jumbo 1293 2 cazza65 12th November 2017, 15:05
» by torquinian
Times Cryptic 1293 5 torquinian 12th November 2017, 15:03
» by torquinian
Sun Times 4772 6 tgipaul2 12th November 2017, 14:52
» by grimalkin
Spectator 2235 3 solidair123 12th November 2017, 13:58
» by solidair123
Everyman 3706 7 peadar 12th November 2017, 13:40
» by peadar
Everyman 5 thomas 12th November 2017, 13:00
» by clegghall
MOS Arroword 2 retrocop 12th November 2017, 12:35
» by retrocop
herald clootie 2 conifer 12th November 2017, 11:56
» by malone
Sunday Mail 7 Days 4 alanb 12th November 2017, 11:00
» by alanb
Can You Solve this Tricky Math Word Problem? 9 icauser44 12th November 2017, 10:46
» by rossim
Listener Crossword 4476 0 gem94 12th November 2017, 10:06
» by gem94
i paper 2110 8 mikey 12th November 2017, 09:35
» by malone
Scotland on Sunday 3 john 12th November 2017, 08:52
» by john
Herald GK 7 john 12th November 2017, 08:33
» by john
IQ 1516 22 sunray 11th November 2017, 21:37
» by malone
Times Cryptic 1293 4 dobbo 11th November 2017, 19:39
» by dobbo
LINKWORD 6 rays 11th November 2017, 18:14
» by rays
1293 cryptic 6 smiffy 11th November 2017, 17:50
» by chrise
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