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i Cryptic 2111 9 diablos 13th November 2017, 12:15
» by elle
Dm Friday quick crossword 2 peg y don 13th November 2017, 12:04
» by peg y don
sat. times. 26880. 3 litlun 13th November 2017, 09:45
» by litlun
Times 26880 3 ftsalmon 13th November 2017, 08:28
» by malone
sat. times. 26880. 26. down 1 litlun 13th November 2017, 07:11
» by malone
IQ 1515 11 ludo 13th November 2017, 01:35
» by ludo
S/mail £100x/word 14 jinty 12th November 2017, 22:20
» by shooty
Metro Cryptic Nov 8 3 trickyvic 12th November 2017, 21:14
» by trickyvic
SP 4 cantdo 12th November 2017, 20:50
» by elle
Link words women's weekly 14thNov 6 sticksie 12th November 2017, 20:28
» by elle
Everyman 3 mattie 12th November 2017, 18:55
» by malone
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle Sunday Star 3 ollyblue 12th November 2017, 18:50
» by rusty
TIMES 26,880 4 scribbler 12th November 2017, 18:38
» by malone
Everyman 3709 3 kathykale 12th November 2017, 18:15
» by kathykale
Everyman 3709 3 dscutler 12th November 2017, 18:14
» by dscutler
Sunday Express Skeleton 2 rocketman 12th November 2017, 17:50
» by rocketman
Everyman 2 mattie 12th November 2017, 17:44
» by shooty
sunday alphapuzzle. 3 manudave 12th November 2017, 17:43
» by manudave
Sunday mail cryptic 3 smudgy13 12th November 2017, 16:52
» by malone
Times cryptic 1293 4 torquinian 12th November 2017, 16:43
» by torquinian
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