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Spectator 2336 3 sunray 17th November 2017, 16:32
» by sunray
Answers up to clueless 345 and peer review 308 0 therogue 17th November 2017, 14:34
» by therogue
Answers up to CL 345 and PR 308 0 therogue 17th November 2017, 14:29
» by therogue
Mephisto 2985 2 april 17th November 2017, 12:03
» by bunty
RT 47 13 chrise 17th November 2017, 11:24
» by kitkat
i Cryptic 2115 12 diablos 17th November 2017, 10:56
» by jazzgirl
Viz craptic 271 (PG) 7 bonytony 17th November 2017, 04:53
» by bonytony
IQ 1516 8 ludo 16th November 2017, 23:02
» by ludo
F T 15 704 6 april 16th November 2017, 17:57
» by zozozo
CLUELESS 345 55 therogue 16th November 2017, 16:17
» by jazzgirl
alphapuzzle thursday 4 manudave 16th November 2017, 12:41
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2114 6 diablos 16th November 2017, 12:18
» by rusty
I cryptic 1 thomas 16th November 2017, 11:14
» by cerasus
EV 1304 51 cockie 16th November 2017, 08:09
» by gazzar
i Cryptic 2113 7 diablos 15th November 2017, 10:11
» by diablos
Sunday Crossword 1 sharper 15th November 2017, 07:36
» by mattrom
Common combos 3 icauser44 15th November 2017, 04:12
» by paul
Listener 4475 97 gitto 14th November 2017, 20:50
» by samovar
AZED 2,370 13 itsme 14th November 2017, 19:58
» by balder
Dm Tuesday 4 peg y don 14th November 2017, 17:39
» by peg y don
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