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1293 cryptic 6 smiffy 11th November 2017, 17:50
» by chrise
LINKWORD 5 rays 11th November 2017, 17:30
» by mamya
Cryptic 1293 7 lucyb7 11th November 2017, 16:51
» by lucyb7
LINKWORD 2 rays 11th November 2017, 16:47
» by rays
Guardian Prize by Paul 14 chrise 11th November 2017, 16:12
» by jazzgirl
dm crossword concise 2 catanese 11th November 2017, 15:11
» by catanese
Herald GK 2 sengamur605 11th November 2017, 15:10
» by sengamur605
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1293 4 pollyflinders 11th November 2017, 14:55
» by malone
EV 1303 18 orson 11th November 2017, 14:41
» by jigjag
Dreadful clue in Times 26880! 14 chrise 11th November 2017, 14:08
» by rusty
SAT TIMES 26,880 16 hallgreening 11th November 2017, 13:46
» by malone
i Cryptic 2098 17 diablos 11th November 2017, 12:22
» by yossarian
Times jumbo cryptic 1293 5 kazwat 11th November 2017, 12:08
» by malone
i Cryptic 2110 7 diablos 11th November 2017, 11:54
» by elle
PEER REVIEW 307 60 ginge 11th November 2017, 11:35
» by fieryjack
I cryptic 5 thomas 11th November 2017, 11:16
» by thomas
Dm fruday 5 peg y don 11th November 2017, 10:21
» by elle
Times 26,874 10 across 5 kfirst 11th November 2017, 09:36
» by jazzgirl
Guardian Genius 173 34 prospero 10th November 2017, 21:50
» by mattrom
The Stickler 201 3 sarumite 10th November 2017, 20:34
» by sarumite
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