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I cryptic 3 thomas 20th November 2017, 10:55
» by thomas
Sunday Express Skeleton 5 rocketman 20th November 2017, 10:26
» by rocketman
PEER REVIEW 308 82 ixion 20th November 2017, 10:05
» by paul
sat. times no 26886 1 litlun 20th November 2017, 01:29
» by brendan
Viz 271. Quite possibly contains bad language. Clues toned down but can’t guarantee that the answers won’t be as bad. 6 daij 20th November 2017, 01:13
» by eeggg
SWEP cryptic 3 martynclark 19th November 2017, 22:48
» by martynclark
Sunday Express 19 November 17 Ultra Alphapuzzle 3 vanda 19th November 2017, 20:22
» by rossim
Alpha puzzle 7 yidreg77 19th November 2017, 20:10
» by malone
Everyman 3710 9 peadar 19th November 2017, 18:42
» by chris-t
Seven days crossword,Sunday mail 5 beth 19th November 2017, 17:26
» by malone
Times 26886 2 loverman 19th November 2017, 17:09
» by loverman
Sunday Express Skeleton 19October 6 loverman 19th November 2017, 16:56
» by malone
Guardian Prize Cryptic 27358 37 jazzgirl 19th November 2017, 16:45
» by rossim
MOS YOU MAG 4 19th November 2017, 16:34
» by elle
alphapuzzle,saturday 3 manudave 19th November 2017, 16:13
» by manudave
Sunday Crossword 1 sharper 19th November 2017, 15:34
» by jazzgirl
St4733 5 pollyanna 19th November 2017, 14:34
» by pollyanna
Times 26886 17 rugbymidland 19th November 2017, 14:00
» by malone
ST 4773 7 hallgreening 19th November 2017, 13:22
» by ftsalmon
i cryptic 2116 4 jinjamiki 19th November 2017, 12:08
» by jinjamiki
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