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Sat Times jumbo 1306 3 enigma 28th January 2018, 11:30
» by enigma
Sunday Times 4783 2 bozo 28th January 2018, 11:13
» by malone
i Cryptic 2175 17 diablos 28th January 2018, 08:11
» by malone
Times no. 26,946 5 hereward 28th January 2018, 00:34
» by mamya
Harpers 2018-02 puzzle 2 syzygy 27th January 2018, 19:58
» by mattrom
4 down method of communication c-y-t-e-t-e-i- 1 bozo 27th January 2018, 19:57
» by monty
Sat Tel 26A 2 geoff marbella 27th January 2018, 17:55
» by shooty
Irish Daily Star Chic Magazine Crossword 3 crutches 27th January 2018, 17:54
» by crutches
sat tel 2D and 14A 3 geoff marbella 27th January 2018, 17:43
» by ab
Times jumbo 1306 4 down 2 sazdaw 27th January 2018, 17:08
» by shooty
£150 crossword Daily record 1 beth 27th January 2018, 16:59
» by mamya
Dm fri 3 peg y don 27th January 2018, 16:42
» by malone
HERALD GK 3 sengamur605 27th January 2018, 16:22
» by rusty
Sat. Dm 2 bailey 27th January 2018, 15:17
» by bailey
SAGA FERUARY 7 trelos1 27th January 2018, 15:02
» by trelos1
Sat dmail 1 bailey 27th January 2018, 14:24
» by mamya
i Cryptic 2175 4 diablos 27th January 2018, 13:26
» by andyc
SAT TIMES 26,946 6 hallgreening 27th January 2018, 12:33
» by hallgreening
Times 26946 3 loverman 27th January 2018, 11:51
» by malone
Dm fri 1 peg y don 27th January 2018, 11:30
» by andyc
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