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SP 4 cantdo 28th January 2018, 21:18
» by cantdo
sun tel 2936 clue 11A and 4D 1 geoff marbella 28th January 2018, 20:13
» by mamya
Everyman 3720 11 kathykale 28th January 2018, 19:30
» by cerasus
SWEP cryptic 3 martynclark 28th January 2018, 19:09
» by martynclark
Azed 2,381 - last one. 4 martin 28th January 2018, 18:27
» by cerasus
Seven days Sunday mail 2 beth 28th January 2018, 18:13
» by beth
ST 4783 5 grimalkin 28th January 2018, 17:41
» by bunty
Sunday Herald last cluie 2 mmairm 28th January 2018, 17:09
» by mmairm
Photographic Terms Watch The Birdie 2 puzzled 28th January 2018, 16:53
» by puzzled
Jumbo 1306 49a 3 grahamr 28th January 2018, 16:41
» by malone
Everyman 7 mattie 28th January 2018, 16:36
» by cerasus
SAGA FEBRUARY 7 trelos1 28th January 2018, 14:26
» by trelos1
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1306 14 ericfromedinburgh 28th January 2018, 14:24
» by ericfromedinburgh
everyman sunday 3 keeperlit 28th January 2018, 13:30
» by mamya
Everyman 3720 6 peadar 28th January 2018, 13:10
» by peadar
I cryptic 2 thomas 28th January 2018, 13:04
» by thomas
LINKWORD 8 rays 28th January 2018, 12:16
» by malone
MOS 28th Jan 1 aly 28th January 2018, 12:05
» by malone
Everyman 4 thomas 28th January 2018, 12:02
» by thomas
i Cryptic 2175 5 diablos 28th January 2018, 11:43
» by diablos
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