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Sunday Crossword Deccan Chronicle 7 sharper 6th February 2018, 07:40
» by sharper
Wee Stinker - 5th February 2018 49 seamus, ayrshire 5th February 2018, 23:36
» by skyewalker
RT6 19 radarman 5th February 2018, 21:21
» by kitkat
Times Cryptic 1307 5 tango 5th February 2018, 20:14
» by jigjag
Times Crossword club monthly 20208 7 antmark 5th February 2018, 20:06
» by antmark
cryptic 1307. 12 merryphil 5th February 2018, 16:19
» by merryphil
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 5th February 2018, 14:40
» by jinty
1307 46across 5 tooticky 5th February 2018, 13:02
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2182 5 diablos 5th February 2018, 12:41
» by ab
Times Jumbo 1307 cryptic 4 rocketman 5th February 2018, 11:40
» by rocketman
I cryptic 2 thomas 5th February 2018, 11:13
» by thomas
Times 26952 6 rozbogs 5th February 2018, 10:55
» by rozbogs
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 5th February 2018, 10:27
» by jinty
Sat times26952 4 moatrat 5th February 2018, 10:14
» by moatrat
Times Cryptic 1307 4 newtothis 5th February 2018, 09:33
» by stevie gee
Sat Times 26,952 2 mikey 5th February 2018, 07:50
» by mikey
Times Jumbo 1307 cryptic 7 bigdave1954 5th February 2018, 00:54
» by stevea6000
RTE Guide CHRISTMAS crossword!! 4 tonta 4th February 2018, 23:39
» by tonta
Everyman 3721 2 rina 4th February 2018, 23:30
» by rina
Cryptic crossword help 3 icauser44 4th February 2018, 22:04
» by malone
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