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Dm Friday 3 peg y don 10th February 2018, 11:05
» by peg y don
i Cryptic 2187 5 diablos 10th February 2018, 10:53
» by diablos
Dail record funday Tuesday Feb 6th 9 annilee11 10th February 2018, 09:10
» by rusty
Funday Tuesday daily record 1 annilee11 9th February 2018, 23:42
» by rusty
Linkwords (can come at beginning or end) 2 clell 9th February 2018, 16:50
» by clell
DM Thursday 2 peg y don 9th February 2018, 16:38
» by peg y don
I cryptic 3 thomas 9th February 2018, 13:36
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2186 8 diablos 9th February 2018, 12:16
» by diablos
Herald small crossword 4 kendo 9th February 2018, 09:44
» by malone
Genius 176 5 sircrispin 9th February 2018, 08:05
» by sircrispin
Times Monday 26953 - parsing question 9 nemo 9th February 2018, 00:52
» by rusty
tiimes cryptic 1307 5 codger 8th February 2018, 22:54
» by rodders
More Shapes and sizes 2 bluetit2 8th February 2018, 22:02
» by bluetit2
Alpha puzzle 2 yidreg77 8th February 2018, 20:48
» by yidreg77
Clueless 357 45 busby 8th February 2018, 18:27
» by therogue
DM Wed 2 peg y don 8th February 2018, 10:47
» by peg y don
i Cryptic 2185 8 diablos 8th February 2018, 10:43
» by diablos
Answers up to Clueless 357 and Peer Review 320 0 rossim 8th February 2018, 08:00
» by rossim
Listener 4488 99 dylan 7th February 2018, 22:07
» by smartie
Alpha puzzle 5 yidreg77 7th February 2018, 20:46
» by buzzardgirl
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