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Observer Everyman 3722 15 barny 11th February 2018, 12:36
» by jazzgirl
Everyman 3722 2 peadar 11th February 2018, 12:31
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2187 2 diablos 11th February 2018, 11:04
» by rusty
ST 4785 7 hallgreening 11th February 2018, 10:40
» by rusty
HERALD GK 2 sengamur605 11th February 2018, 10:25
» by rusty
EV 1316 51 cockie 11th February 2018, 09:20
» by crackers
i Cryptic 2187 19 diablos 11th February 2018, 08:51
» by rusty
PEER REVIEW 320 58 rossim 11th February 2018, 05:11
» by paul
Cryptic Crossword 2 icauser44 11th February 2018, 05:07
» by aristophanes
Times 26958 7 peej 10th February 2018, 22:58
» by rusty
Times cryptic 1308 4 monty 10th February 2018, 22:49
» by rusty
Times cryptic jumbo 1308 12 rina 10th February 2018, 21:13
» by bear of lb
SWEPost Cryptic 6 colin (swansea jack) 10th February 2018, 20:59
» by malone
Herald GK 5 cathndave 10th February 2018, 20:28
» by rusty
Icryptic no 2187, 4 down 1 kotopolo 10th February 2018, 18:11
» by mamya
ICryptic2187 6 rob 10th February 2018, 17:42
» by shooty
superquick 840 2 wontel 10th February 2018, 15:52
» by wontel
Superquick 840 6 wontel 10th February 2018, 15:38
» by wontel
SAT TIMES 26,958 10 hallgreening 10th February 2018, 13:26
» by elle
SAT TIMES 26,958 4 hallgreening 10th February 2018, 12:14
» by rusty
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