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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Cryptic 1306 1 doradoodle 31st January 2018, 19:56
» by rusty
MOS PRIZE 7 31st January 2018, 19:06
» by rosalind
Times jumbo cryptic 1305 Jan 20 2018 8 brad 31st January 2018, 16:31
» by brad
DM 31-1-18 1 clarkgwent 31st January 2018, 16:28
» by andyc
Sunday Express Skeleton 5 rocketman 31st January 2018, 14:46
» by tyke51
Daily Record Funday Tuesday Wordmatch 2 marybee 31st January 2018, 12:16
» by marybee
I cryptic 3 thomas 31st January 2018, 11:34
» by thomas
i Cryptic 2178 6 diablos 31st January 2018, 10:46
» by diablos
EV 1315 49 cockie 31st January 2018, 09:33
» by turast
inquisitor 1526 126 kirky 31st January 2018, 09:03
» by crosswhit99
HELP for HANNAH 14 hannah 31st January 2018, 05:23
» by hannah
times 26946 27 across 6 samleaning 30th January 2018, 22:29
» by pigale
Guardian 27417 Prize 29 peterkm 30th January 2018, 22:00
» by thali
Times 26948 3 bozo 30th January 2018, 20:28
» by cerasus
Alpha puzzle 8 yidreg77 30th January 2018, 20:02
» by cerasus
Xpress alphapuzzle 4 vcross 30th January 2018, 17:52
» by cnile
Stuck need help 5 mirric 30th January 2018, 17:13
» by rusty
funday Tuesday, daily record 5 beth 30th January 2018, 15:34
» by cerasus
Dm Tuesday 2d(4) 2 peg y don 30th January 2018, 15:03
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2177 5 diablos 30th January 2018, 10:56
» by diablos
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