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Herald Clootie - February 2018 38 seamus, ayrshire 7th February 2018, 18:58
» by chrise
DM Wednesday 3 brianheslop 7th February 2018, 17:51
» by brianheslop
DM Wednesday 6 brianheslop 7th February 2018, 17:25
» by mamya
ST4784 8 ccr 7th February 2018, 16:48
» by kitabu
fUNDAY tUESDAY dr 2 theresa 7th February 2018, 14:25
» by theresa
i Cryptic 2184 4 diablos 7th February 2018, 12:06
» by cerasus
Times jumbo 1307 11 dollyflop 7th February 2018, 08:36
» by rossim
Spectator 2344 10 blignop 6th February 2018, 21:38
» by marca
Sunday Express Skeleton 7 megatone 6th February 2018, 20:57
» by rossim
Everyman 3721 10 peadar 6th February 2018, 20:36
» by malone
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 5 ollyblue 6th February 2018, 20:03
» by ollyblue
"UnSpooner" clues 5 chrise 6th February 2018, 17:18
» by lumen
Guardian Genius 7 david w 6th February 2018, 17:04
» by nikki
Sail fastenings 1 6th February 2018, 16:44
» by nemo
funday Tuesday, daily record 10 beth 6th February 2018, 15:48
» by rusty
funday Tuesday, daily record 1 beth 6th February 2018, 15:34
» by rusty
AZED Instructions 27 eretep 6th February 2018, 11:34
» by jacknatter
I cryptic 3 thomas 6th February 2018, 11:15
» by thomas
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1307 2 bucket 6th February 2018, 09:38
» by malone
Times Cryptic 1307 7 tango 6th February 2018, 09:17
» by rossim
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