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i Cryptic 2190 8 diablos 14th February 2018, 13:22
» by elle
I cryptic 7 thomas 14th February 2018, 12:43
» by thomas
IQ 1529 19ac 2 jazzlover42 14th February 2018, 12:39
» by jazzlover42
Daily Mail. 1 bernie 14th February 2018, 11:36
» by andyc
weather connections 4 brainless 13th February 2018, 18:35
» by quizmad
RT7 16 doris 13th February 2018, 14:33
» by wally
two words with one letter different 10 quizmad 13th February 2018, 11:30
» by quizmad
Wee stinker 12down (-u-bling) 2 weejy 13th February 2018, 11:26
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2189 6 diablos 13th February 2018, 10:37
» by diablos
Crossword 15779 3 april 13th February 2018, 10:12
» by ab
Crusader (Cryptic) Crossword Daily Express 12 Feb 2 hilary19 13th February 2018, 09:31
» by hilary19
ST4784 13 anriard 12th February 2018, 23:49
» by stevea6000
AZED 5 liz 12th February 2018, 23:29
» by lumen
ST 4785 3 laurel 12th February 2018, 22:23
» by malone
Wee Stinker revisited..... 2 andyb 12th February 2018, 19:45
» by andyb
Scotland on Sunday 1534 5 stob 12th February 2018, 19:04
» by rusty
Guardian Quiptic 6 chrise 12th February 2018, 18:20
» by shooty
everyman - sunday 6 keeperlit 12th February 2018, 16:17
» by rusty
Times Jumbo 1308 cryptic 13 bigdave1954 12th February 2018, 13:43
» by strangelybrown
animals 8 quizmad 12th February 2018, 12:43
» by cerasus
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