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Local cryptic 3 colinj 12th February 2018, 11:55
» by colinj
i Cryptic 2188 5 diablos 12th February 2018, 11:35
» by diablos
ST 4785 4 scribbler 12th February 2018, 11:07
» by scribbler
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 12th February 2018, 09:42
» by jinty
Rte 7 6 eibhlin 12th February 2018, 09:15
» by rusty
Inquisitor 1529 51 bunty 12th February 2018, 08:12
» by novice
Everyman 3722 7 catcharmer 12th February 2018, 06:12
» by hannah
ST 4785 21 hallgreening 11th February 2018, 23:49
» by stevea6000
SP 5 cantdo 11th February 2018, 21:31
» by cantdo
Times 26958 1 bigdave1954 11th February 2018, 19:53
» by cerasus
St 4785 3 jmcg 11th February 2018, 19:21
» by cerasus
ST 4785 3 markymark 11th February 2018, 19:01
» by markymark
EVERYMAN 3722 14 berylium 11th February 2018, 18:49
» by malone
River 2 epsh42 11th February 2018, 18:04
» by epsh42
Double F Together Quiz 3 puzzled 11th February 2018, 17:56
» by puzzled
@bbm 0 stevea6000 11th February 2018, 16:51
» by stevea6000
Sunday Express Skeleton 6 rocketman 11th February 2018, 15:23
» by rusty
Seven days Sunday mail 5 beth 11th February 2018, 13:11
» by beth
Bare Bones 826 3 bellandme 11th February 2018, 12:58
» by shooty
Observer Everyman 3722 15 barny 11th February 2018, 12:36
» by jazzgirl
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