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i 2193 5 april 19th February 2018, 08:40
» by rusty
st4786 3 ftsalmon 19th February 2018, 08:08
» by malone
times 1309 cryptic 3 ftsalmon 19th February 2018, 07:56
» by malone
Everyman 3723 12 rina 18th February 2018, 23:34
» by rina
ST 4768 1 shipwreck 18th February 2018, 22:44
» by pipesmoker
FT Crossword 15785 by Mudd 1 laurel 18th February 2018, 21:18
» by brendan
Times 26964 2 bigdave1954 18th February 2018, 20:49
» by shooty
Sunday Express Skeleton 5 rocketman 18th February 2018, 20:36
» by tyke51
Sunday Express Skeleton 3 loverman 18th February 2018, 18:50
» by malone
Sun tel 10acr 3 geoff marbella 18th February 2018, 18:03
» by geoff marbella
everyman 1ac 8 letters 3 dassler 18th February 2018, 16:55
» by dassler
Sunday mail cryptic 3 smudgy13 18th February 2018, 16:38
» by smudgy13
YP1668 6 yorkie 18th February 2018, 16:20
» by shooty
ST 4786 6 hallgreening 18th February 2018, 14:36
» by elle
Times jumb cryptic 1309 3 gaufridus 18th February 2018, 13:54
» by malone
Scotland on Sunday 5 john 18th February 2018, 12:23
» by chrisg
Everyman 3723 6 peadar 18th February 2018, 12:07
» by playbus
Herald crossword help please 2 mmairm 18th February 2018, 11:46
» by mmairm
Geo puzzle help 2 geocacher 18th February 2018, 10:57
» by nemo
Times Jumbo cryptic 1309 9 rina 17th February 2018, 22:32
» by mamya
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