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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Superquick 842 6 wontel 24th February 2018, 07:50
» by rusty
DM Friday 1 strangelybrown 23rd February 2018, 22:13
» by mattrom
I cryptic no 2198 1 redtractor 23rd February 2018, 20:47
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2198 5 diablos 23rd February 2018, 11:25
» by diablos
11 Letter Bird 2 hannah 23rd February 2018, 10:26
» by hannah
Help please 3 maurie1939 23rd February 2018, 03:13
» by malone
Final push needed for EV 1318 1 shoni71 22nd February 2018, 22:52
» by djawhufc
CLUELESS 359 40 ab 22nd February 2018, 18:57
» by paul
Alpha puzzle 6 yidreg77 22nd February 2018, 18:48
» by yidreg77
Cryptic 5 epsh42 22nd February 2018, 16:54
» by elle
Times 26,964 3 kfirst 22nd February 2018, 13:53
» by malone
i Cryptic 2197 5 diablos 22nd February 2018, 13:00
» by diablos
Times 26967 3 rozbogs 22nd February 2018, 11:10
» by elle
azed 2384 3 cedric 22nd February 2018, 10:30
» by cedric
Country Life 1 rob 22nd February 2018, 10:14
» by stevie gee
Fun day tuesday 20th February 5 annilee11 22nd February 2018, 07:57
» by rusty
D< Wed again 3 peg y don 21st February 2018, 16:41
» by peg y don
DM Wednesday 1 peg y don 21st February 2018, 16:36
» by chrise
Spectator 2346 -thanks Magoo 2 truron 21st February 2018, 15:29
» by kt17
Guardian Prize by Enigmatist 72 chrise 21st February 2018, 14:18
» by lumen
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