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Times 2 1316 2 yadboh 2nd April 2018, 11:09
» by yadboh
ST 4792 4 ftsalmon 2nd April 2018, 10:25
» by elle
Everyman 4 thomas 2nd April 2018, 10:20
» by zozozo
BREED or ORDER? What do you think is the answer? 27 whetstone 1st April 2018, 21:48
» by jazzgirl
Times 27, 000 - 16 DWN 10 freddie88 1st April 2018, 20:17
» by freddie88
Express skeleton 4 april 1st April 2018, 19:32
» by tyke51
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 1st April 2018, 18:09
» by ollyblue
DR 150 CROSSWORD 6 theresa 1st April 2018, 16:41
» by theresa
Everyman April 1 4 dscutler 1st April 2018, 16:33
» by elle
Speccie 2352 20 kt17 1st April 2018, 15:06
» by mintyman99
Everyman 3728 2 peadar 1st April 2018, 14:59
» by shooty
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1315 2 ftsalmon 1st April 2018, 14:02
» by ftsalmon
ST 4792 9 hallgreening 1st April 2018, 13:22
» by hallgreening
Mephisto 7d Drug Agency spent a week about heroin missing 3 crossword999 1st April 2018, 12:57
» by crossword999
Everyman 3729 2 jertax 1st April 2018, 12:56
» by jertax
Times 27000 3 rozbogs 1st April 2018, 11:54
» by mamya
Aze 3 jadzia49 1st April 2018, 11:05
» by jacknatter
Malonne Weekend Times 7 6 malone 1st April 2018, 10:17
» by rusty
Bham mail cryptic 4 bluenose 1st April 2018, 10:07
» by shooty
Tricky clue 4 milna 1st April 2018, 09:53
» by milna
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