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i Cryptic 2233 5 diablos 5th April 2018, 11:37
» by diablos
animals living or fictional 3 quizmad 5th April 2018, 08:26
» by quizmad
phoenix feb 10th 1 laurel 4th April 2018, 23:07
» by rusty
RTE No. 15 5 laurel 4th April 2018, 19:31
» by laurel
Glasgow Herald 2 paulm 4th April 2018, 18:12
» by paulm
EV 1324 75 cloverjo 4th April 2018, 17:29
» by malone
Quiz 6 flummoxed 4th April 2018, 16:27
» by flummoxed
Spectator 2352 5 itsme 4th April 2018, 16:07
» by malone
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 4th April 2018, 13:15
» by malone
Complete the list! 1 pastiche 4th April 2018, 12:12
» by malone
i Cryptic 2232 6 diablos 4th April 2018, 11:56
» by diablos
I cryptic 5 thomas 4th April 2018, 11:03
» by thomas
Inquisitor 1536 50 cockie 4th April 2018, 10:58
» by beresford
EV1324 quotation 1 joycie 4th April 2018, 10:32
» by keepatit
BIRD PROBLEM 4 hannah 4th April 2018, 00:59
» by hannah
D.Mail 7 geedeedee 3rd April 2018, 21:18
» by stevea6000
Times Jumbo 1316 7 bigdave1954 3rd April 2018, 20:44
» by rossim
DR Funday Tuesday 1 theresa 3rd April 2018, 17:19
» by elle
Tv timex 3 babs 3rd April 2018, 17:16
» by chrise
Jumbo Crossword 1316 3 ftsalmon 3rd April 2018, 13:02
» by ftsalmon
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