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Topic Replies Started by Last post
I cyptic 5 thomas 4th August 2018, 10:38
» by rusty
Herald Clootie 2 myla 4th August 2018, 10:20
» by myla
i Cryptic 2337 6 diablos 4th August 2018, 09:08
» by diablos
Anagrammer 2 icauser44 3rd August 2018, 20:42
» by mamya
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 4 ollyblue 3rd August 2018, 19:57
» by rusty
Local paper. Can't parse the answer if correct 2 kitkat 3rd August 2018, 19:54
» by kitkat
The oldie 364 3 tinkertony 3rd August 2018, 19:05
» by dobbo
Anagram 5 susie 3rd August 2018, 18:15
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 3 3 malone 3rd August 2018, 15:34
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 4 2 malone 3rd August 2018, 12:17
» by malone
Malone Times Friday 1 1 malone 3rd August 2018, 12:04
» by rusty
Malone Times Friday 2 2 malone 3rd August 2018, 12:00
» by malone
I cyptic 1 thomas 3rd August 2018, 11:35
» by jolan
i Cryptic 2336 5 diablos 3rd August 2018, 11:14
» by diablos
Malone clone times 3 stevea6000 2nd August 2018, 20:48
» by malone
Listener 4513 45 smithsax 2nd August 2018, 18:22
» by bubber
Times 27,106 3 bozo 2nd August 2018, 17:51
» by scorpiojo
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 2nd August 2018, 17:13
» by ollyblue
Times 27102,18 across,?O?E?N 2 johndoeford 2nd August 2018, 16:40
» by johndoeford
Times jumbo cryptic 1335 7d 3 bronte 2nd August 2018, 15:29
» by rusty
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