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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Malone Times 2 3 malone 31st July 2018, 14:25
» by stevea6000
i Cryptic 2333 11 diablos 31st July 2018, 10:23
» by cerasus
Malone Times 1 2 malone 31st July 2018, 09:19
» by malone
iCryptic2331 9 rob 31st July 2018, 08:39
» by willtunn
Inquisitor 1553 44 bobbycollins 31st July 2018, 08:20
» by bubber
Times cryptic Jumbo 1335 35ac 6 crossray 30th July 2018, 23:20
» by elle
MoS Bare Bones 850 3 peterj 30th July 2018, 22:09
» by chips
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 30th July 2018, 21:16
» by rusty
Everyman 3746 3 sticksie 30th July 2018, 19:07
» by sticksie
Everyman 3746 4 binksy 30th July 2018, 15:38
» by djawhufc
Times Jumbo 1335 3 muggins 30th July 2018, 14:45
» by rusty
I cryptic 3 thomas 30th July 2018, 12:24
» by malone
ST 4809 6 markymark 30th July 2018, 11:31
» by jimmyd
Times cryptic 1335 3 foxey 30th July 2018, 10:18
» by foxey
i Cryptic 2332 2 diablos 30th July 2018, 10:16
» by diablos
ST 4809 9 ftsalmon 30th July 2018, 09:06
» by rusty
PEER REVIEW 344 54 skyewalker 29th July 2018, 23:44
» by jigjag
Times No 27102 3 crossray 29th July 2018, 22:35
» by crossray
ST4809 7 anriard 29th July 2018, 20:13
» by brendan
Sunday Express Skeleton 10 rocketman 29th July 2018, 20:09
» by malone
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