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PEER REVIEW £$^ 81 paul 11th August 2018, 14:05
» by paul
i Cryptic 2343 3 diablos 11th August 2018, 13:52
» by chrise
Things connected to travelling on the road 19 quizmad 11th August 2018, 10:49
» by nexus
Crptic what am I wearing quiz 21 martinsnest 11th August 2018, 10:37
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2343 4 diablos 11th August 2018, 10:21
» by diablos
Problem with ST 4810 on line 10 pigale 11th August 2018, 10:02
» by bunty
YP 1693 2 linton 11th August 2018, 10:02
» by linton
Genius 182 37 nikki 11th August 2018, 09:59
» by david w
1d 4 nuthurst 11th August 2018, 09:26
» by cerasus
RTE No, 33 5 laurel 10th August 2018, 23:56
» by laurel
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1324 1 memi 10th August 2018, 20:17
» by cerasus
RT 32 5 magworth 10th August 2018, 19:26
» by malone
Superquick 866 4 wontel 10th August 2018, 12:59
» by wontel
I cryptic 1 thomas 10th August 2018, 10:44
» by cerasus
Listener Crossword 4514 152 dylan 10th August 2018, 09:28
» by trebor1
Viz 278-[PG advisory]. 15 hallgreening 10th August 2018, 08:48
» by loubyloo10
i Cryptic 2342 6 diablos 10th August 2018, 08:43
» by diablos
Malone Times Thursday 2 6 malone 10th August 2018, 07:58
» by norah (admin)
Alphapuzzle clue 3 summerfly 10th August 2018, 00:15
» by brendan
Herald Clootie 16 goopsy 9th August 2018, 16:16
» by rusty
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