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Definition of OR 6 dragonfly 6th August 2018, 12:15
» by malone
D.Mail Monday 2 joy 6th August 2018, 12:01
» by joy
i Cryptic 2338 8 diablos 6th August 2018, 11:29
» by elle
D. Telegraph 28,809 10 rocketman 6th August 2018, 10:58
» by chrise
Times Jumbo 1336 3 ftsalmon 6th August 2018, 08:42
» by bunty
Times 27108 3 flash 6th August 2018, 01:00
» by brendan
Polymath 981 FT 04 08 18 1 cresson 5th August 2018, 21:49
» by malone
TIMES JUMBO 1336 2 gooner 5th August 2018, 21:32
» by gooner
Polymath 981 FT 04 08 18 4 cresson 5th August 2018, 21:27
» by rusty
SWEP cryptic 3 martynclark 5th August 2018, 20:42
» by malone
Times Cryptic 27,108 6 zinc 5th August 2018, 20:13
» by zinc
Answers up to Clueless 382 and peer review 345 0 therogue 5th August 2018, 19:53
» by therogue
SE skeleton 2 marj 5th August 2018, 19:37
» by marj
Everyman 3747 13 peadar 5th August 2018, 17:13
» by brendan
AZED 2408 2 liz 5th August 2018, 17:05
» by liz
Times jumbo cryptic 1336 5 trevorc 5th August 2018, 16:54
» by trevorc
Sunday mail cryptic 3 smudgy13 5th August 2018, 16:50
» by brendan
Viz 278 (PG advisory) 7 rozbogs 5th August 2018, 14:20
» by mamya
Times 27108 25A 2 nemo 5th August 2018, 13:52
» by nemo
Guardian prize enigmatist 57 barny 5th August 2018, 13:51
» by jaffra
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