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Topic Replies Started by Last post
everyman 3746 6 catcharmer 29th July 2018, 18:44
» by elle
SWEP cryptic 5 martynclark 29th July 2018, 18:10
» by brendan
everyman 29 july 6 dassler 29th July 2018, 16:21
» by bassa2010
British City Clues. 11 anonymous 29th July 2018, 16:12
» by anonymous
Express skeleton 1 april 29th July 2018, 16:08
» by scorpiojo
SE Skeleton 2 marj 29th July 2018, 15:42
» by marj
Everyman 6 thomas 29th July 2018, 15:14
» by stevie
Everyman 3746 2 peadar 29th July 2018, 14:54
» by peadar
SE Skeleton 1 marj 29th July 2018, 14:51
» by mamya
Times jumbo cryptic 1335 9 janephilip 29th July 2018, 14:42
» by alislc
Sunday Times 4809 4 duffer 29th July 2018, 13:50
» by duffer
Mephisto 3022 14ac 3 crossword999 29th July 2018, 13:37
» by malone
Sunday mail 6 herindoors 29th July 2018, 13:08
» by herindoors
Times 27102 3 rooney4438 29th July 2018, 12:42
» by rooney4438
GUARDIAN CRYPTIC 27,573 6 gooner 29th July 2018, 12:15
» by rusty
STimes 4809 3 hallgreening 29th July 2018, 12:05
» by hallgreening
Times Jumbo 1335 Cryptic 3 myla 29th July 2018, 11:59
» by malone
ST 4809 6 hallgreening 29th July 2018, 11:53
» by elle
Saturday Times 27102 8 crosser 29th July 2018, 10:56
» by elle
Wee Stinker July 28 15 sunray 29th July 2018, 10:52
» by skyewalker
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