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Times Jumbo cryptic 1336. 2 tigerinthezoo 9th August 2018, 16:12
» by tigerinthezoo
Agriword no 960 3 kate 9th August 2018, 14:39
» by kate
i Cryptic 2341 5 diablos 9th August 2018, 11:16
» by diablos
Malone Times Thursday 1 4 malone 9th August 2018, 07:57
» by malone
CLUELESS 383 36 paul 9th August 2018, 07:18
» by chrise
Private Eye 631 2 drmorgans 8th August 2018, 20:28
» by drmorgans
Alpha puzzle 11 yidreg77 8th August 2018, 20:20
» by yidreg77
Private Eye 631 3 drmorgans 8th August 2018, 19:50
» by chips
Times cryptic 1336 5 foxey 8th August 2018, 18:00
» by parallelogram
PRIV EYE-631 3 hallgreening 8th August 2018, 17:33
» by malone
Malone Times Wednesday 3 2 malone 8th August 2018, 12:09
» by malone
Times Jumbp No. 1336 cryptic 6 rocketman 8th August 2018, 11:39
» by malone
i Cryptic 2340 5 diablos 8th August 2018, 11:31
» by elle
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1335 5 despard 8th August 2018, 10:27
» by malone
Malone Times Wednseday 1 4 malone 8th August 2018, 09:07
» by malone
Malone Times Wednesday 2 1 malone 8th August 2018, 08:27
» by stevie gee
thanks from snoopy 1 snoopy 7th August 2018, 22:41
» by mamya
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 7th August 2018, 21:18
» by halki
Funday Tuesday DR 4 theresa 7th August 2018, 18:49
» by rusty
Private Eye 630 12 kitkat 7th August 2018, 18:38
» by malone
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