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Malone clone Sunday times 2 stevea6000 5th August 2018, 13:26
» by stevea6000
Times 27108 6 johnmac 5th August 2018, 12:53
» by brendan
Herald General Knowledge 6 gravitas 5th August 2018, 10:25
» by stevie gee
i Cryptic 2337 5 diablos 5th August 2018, 10:08
» by diablos
EV 1341 34 manic mary 5th August 2018, 10:03
» by bunty
Viz 278 (PG advisory) 2 rozbogs 5th August 2018, 09:57
» by rozbogs
I have 2 4 maurie1939 5th August 2018, 08:04
» by scorpiojo
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1336 3 brendan 5th August 2018, 02:21
» by mattrom
Wee Stinker 10 john 4th August 2018, 20:54
» by timdownieuk
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 4 ollyblue 4th August 2018, 20:15
» by malone
PEER REVIEW 345 65 fieryjack 4th August 2018, 19:55
» by fieryjack
YP 1692 2 cooks07 4th August 2018, 18:05
» by cooks07
£150 Daily Record 3 theresa 4th August 2018, 17:26
» by mamya
Local cryptic 3 trent18 4th August 2018, 16:31
» by malone
£150 crossword Saturday daily record, 2 beth 4th August 2018, 16:18
» by beth
Spectator 2370 10 bunty 4th August 2018, 16:12
» by malone
all answers have a musical theme. 18 quizmad 4th August 2018, 15:37
» by titus
Local crossword 4 brahan 4th August 2018, 15:07
» by mamya
FT 15,928 6 liz 4th August 2018, 12:26
» by stevie gee
SAT TIMES 27,108 3 hallgreening 4th August 2018, 11:27
» by hallgreening
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