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The Week Crossword 635 2 marnie 27th February 2009, 19:32
» by marnie
Times2 Jumbo 801 3 wendy 27th February 2009, 17:41
» by caravaggio
Without a clue, help please 8 gary 27th February 2009, 16:49
» by sue botham
last clue help needed 2 joanne smith 27th February 2009, 16:42
» by joanne smith
local xword 3 nigelt 27th February 2009, 15:16
» by nigelt
8d everyman 22.02.09 2 josie 27th February 2009, 14:49
» by josie
local xword 2 bull 27th February 2009, 14:44
» by bull
Last Clue 1 doug 27th February 2009, 14:22
» by doug
local xword 2 bull 27th February 2009, 12:50
» by bull
local xword 2 bull 27th February 2009, 12:30
» by bull
Everyman 3256 22.02.09 3 josie 27th February 2009, 10:12
» by jimc
Arran Voice cryptic 4 john (from arran) 27th February 2009, 10:09
» by john (from arran)
RTE Guide 3 toastcake 27th February 2009, 09:14
» by toastcake
RTE C/W No: 9 Help me people 3 rufina stephenson 26th February 2009, 20:22
» by rufina stephenson
Saga struggler 2 jj 26th February 2009, 15:55
» by jj
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 26th February 2009, 15:27
» by pooksahib
the week crossword 634 2 roo 26th February 2009, 14:56
» by roo
RT10 2 allan1932 26th February 2009, 14:37
» by allan1932
Herald 26th march 1 doug 26th February 2009, 14:21
» by royston bowden
RT 10 8 philip 26th February 2009, 10:02
» by philip
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